By Dr Alison Bentley, Restonic Sleep Expert
Love it or hate it, wearing socks to bed inspires surprisingly strong emotions in people. Some say it’s off-putting, unattractive or claustrophobic. Others swear by it, citing warmth, comfort and improved ease of falling asleep.
Interestingly, the American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) found that while just over 10% of people always wear socks to bed, the age group most likely to wear socks to bed is… millennials. Dr. Frank Walfish, Beverly Hills family relationship psychotherapist, and author of The Self-Aware Parent, says, “Most people who wear socks to bed wear them for warmth. Occasionally, one might request their partner wear socks because they have sharp, uneven, scratchy toenails.”
However, researchers have found that wearing socks to bed can mean better sex. And there’s also a growing movement for men wearing flirty, vibrant socks during the day. “It’s a style statement today,” says Dr. Walfish.
Here are some other considerations that might just convince you to try out socks as part of your night-time sleepwear.
Try putting a few extra blankets on the bottom portion of your bed, or slipping a hot water bottle or heating pad under the sheets at the foot of your bed
Here are 5 good reasons out of many why you should sleep with your socks on while enjoying the benefits of snuggling up with warm toasty fee.
Despite the health benefits some people enjoy from slipping on socks, there are others who just don’t get it. This might be for physical reasons, such as a faster metabolism, good blood circulation or thicker skin. Your feet may be toasty and warm naturally, and if that’s the case, lucky you! But don’t begrudge others the benefits that they may enjoy from wearing socks to bed.
For those who would like to experience sock-warming benefits, but find socks uncomfortable to sleep with, you could try putting a few extra blankets on the bottom portion of your bed, or slipping a hot water bottle or heating pad under the sheets at the foot of your bed.
If you’re a fan of socks in bed, remember that the type of socks you wear matter. They should be clean and fresh so there’s no build-up of bacteria. They also shouldn’t be too thick, which will prevent sufficient airflow and create conditions that are ripe for fungus to grow. Choose socks that are lightweight and made of natural fibres.
For superior sleeping experience, view our extensive range of spring and foam beds.
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